
National Houseplant Appreciation Day

Do you have plants growing indoors?  National Houseplant Appreciation Day is January 10, and it’s a good reminder to give your houseplants a little extra attention to keep them thriving. Take a close look at the leaves when cleaning them.  Do any appear a little pale or have some sticky stuff on the leaves? If

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Be on the Lookout for Exotic and Invasive Pests

Many exotic invasive pests are of major concern in California. The glassy-winged sharpshooter (an insect) and purple loosestrife (a weed) are two invasive species that are established in some areas but still threaten to invade other areas. Newer exotic species of concern include Diaprepes root weevil, light brown apple moth, and various aquatic weeds. Some

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It’s Rodent Awareness Week

You may not think about rats, mice, or gophers until they become a problem around your home. As these rodents can be major pests in and around homes, gardens, landscapes, restaurants, and other buildings, each year pest control experts “celebrate” Rodent Awareness Week. Rodent Awareness Week (October 16-22) is an annual campaign created by the

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Got ants?

Ants on your artichoke plant? Your plum tree or leafy vegetables?  They’re a prime indicator that sucking insects are feasting on your plants.  There’s a group of soft-bodied insects — aphids, mealybugs, soft scale and whiteflies being the most common, that feed by sucking juices from plants. The direct damage they inflict on the plant

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