
Those Sneaky Slimy Critters

Ugh! Snails and slugs, the bane to most gardeners. Loosely related to octopi and oysters, they glide along on their muscular foot, secreting mucus to facilitate movement, leaving their trademark glistening trail behind.  With similar biology, the snail carries an external shell while slugs have evolved without one. Both are most active at night or […]

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Know What’s Lurking under the Sink?

Many people associate pesticides with those things you see at the nursery or big box stores in the gardening isle like weed killer, insecticides, and mouse traps.  But there are MANY items in your home that are pesticides that you might use daily without even thinking about it.  Some examples: According to the U.S. Environmental

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Learn about IPM with Diego

Integrated pest management, or IPM, is a process you can use to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. The definition of IPM is: IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification

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Parents and Pet Owners Beware!

If you’re a parent, a pet owner, or both, you likely love spending time in your outside spaces together.  You’ve likely removed any potential hazards indoors for kids, dogs, and cats, but how about outside? Are there possible dangers lurking, especially related to pesticides? Here are some things to consider: Weed and feed products for

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Creeping Garden Thugs do a lot of Damage

It’s likely you don’t need an introduction to snails and slugs, the bane to most gardeners. Loosely related to octopi and oysters, they glide along on their muscular foot, secreting mucus to facilitate movement, leaving their trademark glistening trail behind.  With similar biology, the snail carries an external shell while slugs have evolved without one.

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