
Don’t be fooled! 

Pesticides are widely used in our homes and gardens, from sprays for ornamental plants that are toxic to birds and bees. Don’t assume these products are safe simply because they are for sale. Neonicotinoids—now the most widely used insecticides—are found in hundreds of products including insect sprays, seed treatments, soil drenches, tree injections, and veterinary […]

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What is IPM and why use it?

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a science-based decision-making process that combines tools and strategies to identify and manage pests. It’s not one specific action or tactic; it is the combination of all actions that reduce the impact of pests while minimizing negative effects on the environment. In addition to its primary purpose of reducing numbers

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It’s the Slimy time of Year

Snails and slugs are the bane to most gardeners. Loosely related to octopi and oysters, they glide along on their muscular foot, secreting mucus to facilitate movement, leaving their trademark glistening trail behind.  With similar biology, the snail carries an external shell while slugs have evolved without one. Both are most active at night or

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World Pollution Prevention Day

Today is World Pollution Prevention Day – observed around the globe on December 2 to instill awareness on environmental pollution and its negative impacts on our health and the planet. International organizations such as the United Nations (U.N.), the World Health Organization (WHO), Greenpeace, and others have been urging countries all over the world to

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Mark your Calendar for Earth Day Mill Valley

Come join the fun at Earth Day Mill Valley, a free community event on Sunday, April 21, 2024, from 11am to 2pm, at the Mill Valley Community Center. This family-friendly event will feature fun activities and green exhibits for all ages, in a beautiful outdoor setting. Dozens of booths hosted by environmental and community groups,

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National Poison Prevention Week

In 1961, Congress established National Poison Prevention Week to raise awareness, reduce unintentional poisonings, and promote poison prevention. It is sponsored by the National Poison Prevention Week Council; this year it is March 17-23. America’s Poison Centers represents 55 poison centers across the country, focused on preventing every poison and toxin-related health emergency in America.

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