
National Poison Prevention Week

In 1961, Congress established National Poison Prevention Week to raise awareness, reduce unintentional poisonings, and promote poison prevention. It is sponsored by the National Poison Prevention Week Council; this year it is March 17-23. America’s Poison Centers represents 55 poison centers across the country, focused on preventing every poison and toxin-related health emergency in America.

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Can Rat Poison Hurt Kids and Pets?          

You bet!  Rat poisons or rodenticides are pesticides designed to kill rodents, like mice and rats.  They are formulated as baits that include tasty ingredients like peanut butter, molasses, and grains to attract animals. These ingredients can be also attractive to children and pets. Rodenticide baits are not only poisonous for rodents, but they can

Can Rat Poison Hurt Kids and Pets?           Read More »

Parents and Pet Owners Beware!

If you’re a parent, a pet owner, or both, you likely love spending time in your outside spaces together.  You’ve likely removed any potential hazards indoors for kids, dogs, and cats, but how about outside? Are there possible dangers lurking, especially related to pesticides? Here are some things to consider: Weed and feed products for

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Can Rat Poison Hurt Kids and Pets?

You bet!  Rat poisons or rodenticides are pesticides designed to kill rodents, like mice and rats.  They are formulated as baits that include tasty ingredients like peanut butter, molasses, and grains to attract animals. These ingredients can be also attractive to children and pets. Rodenticide baits are not only poisonous for rodents, but they can

Can Rat Poison Hurt Kids and Pets? Read More »


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